After the call is completed, it is automatically loaded by our system. There is also a manual way to download audio recordings.
Our service translates the call into text with high recognition quality and performance – just 5 minutes after receiving the audio file, you can already get all the analytics on it.
Based on your requirements, we compile a list of recognizable phrases and highlight them in a convenient interface:
Easily add and track both negative and positive words that are taken into account in the final evaluation of the call and highlighted in the transcribed text:
Based on your requirements, we compile a list of recognizable phrases and highlight them in a convenient interface:
The original audio files are deleted immediately after transcription. Personal data of users should not be available – we recognize any information of this nature:
We develop formulas for calculating the quality of the conversation and assign an overall rating to the call. We output detailed information on the found criteria:
A set of all important parameters involved in the evaluation of the call. Development of statistics necessary for your company.
Set of all important data for the specified time periods. Individually developed dashboard for your specific needs.
Immediate notifications about critical issues with chat-bots or integration with your CRM system.